The Zoom Function


Guest Editors: James R. Ball III, Weiling He, Louis G. Tassinary, Special Themed Section “The Zoom Function” in International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, Volume 16, Issue 3 (2020)

Recycling plastics: Middle school students create solutions during a summer camp


Alkeman, E., Capraro, M. M., Creasy, T., Fleming, K., Hong, L.,Weiling, H., & *Williams, A., (2019). Recycling plastics: Middle school students create solutions during a summer camp. Journal of European STEM Education, 4(1). DOI: 10 .20897/ejsteme/6341

Cuboids and Planetoids


Michael Tate, Weiling He. Proceedings of the 35th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.

Plastic Explorations


Hyperseeing (ISAMA), The International Society of Art, Mathematics, and Architecture.

The Moment of Beginning


Weiling He and Alejandro Borges The 34th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Chinese translation of The Architectural Uncanny: Essays in the Modern Unhomely by Anthony Vidler

  • Publisher: 中国建筑工业出版社; 1st edition (January 1, 2018)
  • Language: Chinese
  • ISBN-10: 7112213339
  • ISBN-13: 978-7112213337

Constructing Deltahedra from Recycled Plastic Bottles


Weiling He, Chengde Wu, Ergun Akleman Bridges Conference on Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, Architecture, Education, and Culture, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

1:1 Scale Transformation


The 32nd National Conference on the Beginning Design Student
Cal Polytechnic University, Sam Luis Obispo, California
Meg Jackson, Weiling He

Materiality and Scale: Enclosure, Fashion Theater, and Para-sites


The 31st National Conference on the Beginning Design Student
The University of Houston, Houston, Texas

Design Translated?


AIA Forward: Process
The Architecture and Design Journal of the National Associates Committee, AIA, vol. 112

A 'Fashion' Design Project: Wearable and Moveable Architecture


MADE: Design Education and the Art of Making
The 26th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina

Points of View


But Also, We are a Discipline
The 25th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student Proceedings
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

The Notion of Body in John Hejduk’s Poetry and Architecture


Time + Architecture
Tongji University Press, Shanghai, China
ISSN: 1005-684X

Phenomenology in Design Process


Time + Architecture
Tongji University Press, Shanghai, China
ISSN: 1005-684X

The Space and Materiality of Drawing


We Have Never Been Pre-disciplinary
The 24th International Conference on the Beginning Design Student
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

Digital Guise: The Misleading Ways of Drawing in AutoCAD that May Limit Design Creativity


Bi-annual Meeting of the Design Communication Association
Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana

Interpreting Architectural Space through Camera Movement


CAAD Futures 07
Sydney, Australia
Weiling He, Wei Yan

Drawing Flatness


Fresh Air
The 95th ACSA Annual Meeting
Drexel University & University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Space Emerged from Music


The 23rd National Conference on the Beginning Design Student
Savannah College of Art and Design, Savanna, Georgia

Flatness through Camera: The Implications of Camera Movement in the Digital Reconstruction of the Diamond Museum


Synthetic Landscapes | Digital Exchange
ACADIA 2006 International Conference
Louisville, Kentucky

A Passage


Intersections: Design Education and Other Fields of Inquiry
The 22nd National Conference on the Beginning Design Student
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

From Mondrian’s Diamonds to Hejduk’s Diamonds: Paintings as Means and Ends for Spatial Construction


The Art of Architecture/The Science of Architecture
The 93rd ACSA Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois

When Does a Sentiment Become an Architectural Concept? Otherness in Hejduk’s Wall House 2


Journal of Architecture, Routledge, London, UK, April 2005
ISSN 1360-2365

Otherness in Hejduk’s Poetry and Architecture


ACSA Central Regional Meeting
Elgin, Illinois

The Housing of Meaning: The Performance of Houses in Ju Dou and Raise the Red Lantern


ACSA International Conference
Helsinki, Finland

Modalities of Poetic Syntax in the Work of John Hejduk


The 4th International Space Syntax Symposium
London, UK

Path: An Narrative of Ju Dou in the Architectural Medium


The West Regional ACSA Annual Meeting
San Luis Obispo, California

Graph, Geometry and Language: A Design Triangle


The 3rd International Space Syntax Symposium
Atlanta, Georgia

From Water System to Street System: The Stable Social Logic in the Changing Urban Form


UIA Congress 2002
Berlin, Germany

Technological Maximization and Training of Sensual Fundamentals in Architectural Basic Course


HKIA Journal no.25
Jia Beisi, Weiling He